Regular Membership Meetings

Next General Membership Meeting:

No Meetings July Or August

Next Meeting Date:  Wednesday, September 11th, 2024

Time:  5pm to 6pm

Location:  CUPE Regional Office (#2 – 3050 2nd Avenue West)

2024 Regular Meeting Dates

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

Thursday, November 14th, 2024

Wednesday, December 11th, 2024

Agendas are flexible.  If you have an item that you would like to see added to a meeting agenda, please reach out to the President.

If you are interested in what has happened at the meetings:

  1.  You can always attend if you are a member in good standing.
  2.  Contact the President or Vice President
  3. If you haven’t done so already, please fill out this Google Form with alternate ways to keep touch.:

CUPE Training In-Person & Online

CUPE Workshops:

CUPE Wanuskewin School 2024

October 21 – 24, 2024 | Wanuskewin Heritage Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | English | $450

Brochure Wanuskewin School 2024-10-21 to 24

CUPE Saskatchewan Indigenous Peoples’ Conference 2024

November 7-8, 2024 | Wanuskewin Heritage Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | English | $200-$250


Brochure Indigenous Conference 2024_NOVEMBER 7 to 8, 2024_FINAL


Click on the date(s) above that you want to register for.  You must register ahead of time for all Workshops, and spaces are limited.

You will have to complete a Union Leave form to be absent for the day with pay.

OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)

Regardless of how minor the situation is, an Incident Report form should be fully completed for any circumstance where you have been approached or felt unsafe in a situation, made a safety issue observation, had a near-miss, or been injured.  We would also ask that you advise the OHS Representatives, Kerry McCullough or Chelsey Sorokan, of any instances.  Without the knowledge of what is or isn’t being done to improve safety we cannot provide recommendations to the employer.

Kerry McCullough, Chief Clerk Financial Services & Chelsey Sorokan, Recreation Programmer – AHC, are the OHS Members of CUPE Local 882.

If you have any issues or concerns, please bring them forward to them.

Equality Statement

I take it that no one reads the statement because there seems to be a lot of gossip, bullying and harassment in certain departments…please remember to be respectful of one another.  We are all here to do a job, and do  not have to be best friends.

Equality Statement (follow link for your own copy)

Union solidarity is based on the principle that union members are equal and deserve mutual respect at all levels.  Any behavior that creates conflict prevents us from working together to strengthen our union.

As unionists, mutual respect, cooperation and understanding are our goals.  We should neither condone nor tolerate behavior that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.

Discriminatory speech or conduct which is racist, sexist, transphobic or homophobic hurts and thereby divides us.  So too, does discrimination on the basis of ability, age, class, religion, language and ethnic origin.

Sometimes discrimination takes the form of harassment.  Harassment means using real or perceived power to abuse, devalue or humiliate.  Harassment should not be treated as a joke.  The uneasiness and resentment that it creates are not feelings that help us grow as a union.

Discrimination and harassment focus on characteristics that make us different; and they reduce our capacity to work together on shared concerns such as decent wages, safe working conditions, and justice in the workplace, society and in our union.

CUPE’s policies and practices must reflect our commitment to equality.  Members, staff and elected officers must be mindful that all persons deserve dignity, equality and respect.

Social Activities

Dress Down For Charity 

Dress Down Form

The City of Prince Albert Employee’s Dress Down for Charity Committee was created in October of 1996 at the request of City employees, with the intent of not only improving the general image of City employees through charitable donation, but also to give those participating, the opportunity to wear casual clothes for one day each week.    To date, our Committee has donated over $120,000 to assist non-profit organizations in our city and province, with a focus on seniors, children and health.

Any employee who wishes to donate, can do so through a payroll deduction of $1.00 per week/$2.00 per pay period.  This minimal donation can go a long way to help the less fortunate in our community, or go to other worthy causes that affect us or people we know.   If you are interested in donating and are not already signed up, please complete the attached form and submit to Human Resources.  All money collected is deposited to a dedicated account which is audited annually.

In 2022, we have donated to YWCA, Make-A-Wish, Kinsmen Foundation, Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, Terry Fox Foundation, Kidsport Prince Albert, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Prince Albert, Inclusion Saskatchewan, Seniors Transportation, Victoria Hospital Foundation, Canadian Mental Health Association, Prince Albert SPCA, Salvation Army, Children’s Haven, Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan, 4-H Saskatchewan, Lifesaving Society and Prince Albert Food Bank.  We have also donated to  many other worthy causes in the past.

The Committee appreciates any ideas or suggestions for donations.  If there is a non-profit organization or event being held that you know about, please let me know, and a donation to that organization/event will be considered.

Thank you to all who participate.

Tammy Vermette


882 Social Committee – Working to promote solidarity, unity and social togetherness


CURRENTLY RECRUITING MEMBERS TO FILL VACANT POSITIONS. If you are interested in filling a spot or would like to nominate someone, please let the President know.

Chair:  Vacant

Co-Chair:  Steve Numedahl

Members at Large:  Meaghan Kristoffersen & McKenzie Acton

Alternates:  Kadin Henry, Vacant

If you are wanting to volunteer to help for events, or have questions, ideas, etc. please feel free to contact a Social Committee Member.