Dress Down For Charity
The City of Prince Albert Employee’s Dress Down for Charity Committee was created in October of 1996 at the request of City employees, with the intent of not only improving the general image of City employees through charitable donation, but also to give those participating, the opportunity to wear casual clothes for one day each week. To date, our Committee has donated over $120,000 to assist non-profit organizations in our city and province, with a focus on seniors, children and health.
Any employee who wishes to donate, can do so through a payroll deduction of $1.00 per week/$2.00 per pay period. This minimal donation can go a long way to help the less fortunate in our community, or go to other worthy causes that affect us or people we know. If you are interested in donating and are not already signed up, please complete the attached form and submit to Human Resources. All money collected is deposited to a dedicated account which is audited annually.
In 2022, we have donated to YWCA, Make-A-Wish, Kinsmen Foundation, Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, Terry Fox Foundation, Kidsport Prince Albert, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Prince Albert, Inclusion Saskatchewan, Seniors Transportation, Victoria Hospital Foundation, Canadian Mental Health Association, Prince Albert SPCA, Salvation Army, Children’s Haven, Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan, 4-H Saskatchewan, Lifesaving Society and Prince Albert Food Bank. We have also donated to many other worthy causes in the past.
The Committee appreciates any ideas or suggestions for donations. If there is a non-profit organization or event being held that you know about, please let me know, and a donation to that organization/event will be considered.
Thank you to all who participate.
Tammy Vermette
882 Social Committee – Working to promote solidarity, unity and social togetherness
CURRENTLY RECRUITING MEMBERS TO FILL VACANT POSITIONS. If you are interested in filling a spot or would like to nominate someone, please let the President know.
Chair: Vacant
Co-Chair: Steve Numedahl
Members at Large: Meaghan Kristoffersen & McKenzie Acton
Alternates: Kadin Henry, Vacant
If you are wanting to volunteer to help for events, or have questions, ideas, etc. please feel free to contact a Social Committee Member.